20242550 Stenorrhyncos speciosum 'Maisie' CCM 83 pts awarded to Phil Mears at the Minnesota Winter Carnival Show, St Paul 1/27/24.
20242556 Ludisia discolor 'Island View' CCM 86 pts awarded to Andy Coghill-Behrends at the Minnesota Winter Carnival show in St Paul. MN 1/27/24
20242562 Rth. Shinfong Little Sun 'Young-Min Golden Boy' CCM 83 Pts awarded to Nile &Lois Dusdieker at the Orchid Quest Show in Madison ,WI 2/3/24
20242565 Onc. John Miller 'Kimberlyn Helen' AM 82 pts awarded to Jeff Metcalf at February Chicago Monthly Judging 2/10/24
20242586 Phal I-Hsin Moon Ice 'KHM2544 - Iowa' AM 80 pts awarded to Robert Bannister at April Monthly Judging 4/13/24
20242587 Phal KV Butterfly 'JPM2 - Iowa' HCC 78 pts awarded to Robert Bannister at April Monthly Judging 4/13/24
20242588 Phal Yu-Yan Little Peacock 'YHLD381-Iowa' HCC 77 pts awarded to Robert Bannister at May Chicago Monthly Judging. 5/11/24
20242589 Phal Younghome Golden Pixie 'Iowa' AM 84 pts awarded to Robert Bannister at May Chicago Monthly Judging 5/11/24
20242611 Phrag Cardinale ' Memoria Beverly Metcalf' CCM 85 pts awarded to Jeff Metcalf at Central Iowa Speaker's Day 7/20/24
20242612 Phal. I-Hsin Dream Bubble 'KHM2508 Iowa' HCC 79 pts awarded to Robert Bannister at Central Iowa Speaker's Day 7/20/24
20242639 Stenoglottis Venus 'Jamboree' AM 82 pts awarded to Deno Kandis at the EIOS show 10/19/24
20232618 Phal. OX Lion King 'OX1739-Iowa' AM 84 awarded to Robert Bannister at Central Iowa Speaker Day 7/22/2023
20232611-12 Catasetum Chuch Taylor 'Kat' FCC 90 pts, CCE 90 pts awarded to Bruce Byorum at Chicago Monthly Judging 7/8/23
20232633 Paph. Mark Hasegawa 'Forest Park ' AM 85 pts awarded to Deno Kandis at the Wisconsin Society Orchid Show , Milwaukee, WI 9/16/2023
20232651 Eastern Iowa Orchid Society Exhibit '10th Anniversary Eastern Iowa Spooky Spectacular' Show Trophy 84 pts Cedar Rapids, Iowa 10/28/2023
20222612-13 Orchids Are A Scream Twenty-twenty Boo! ST,SC 86 pts awarded to the Eastern Iowa Orchid Society Display at the Eastern Iowa Orchid Show, 10/22/22. This also received the People's Choice Award
20222610 Bulb. cocoinum 'Lyric' CCE 90 pts awarded to Marcia Whitmore at the Eastern Iowa Orchid Show, 10/22/22. This also received the Best Plant in Show
20222608 Ctsm. Louise Clark 'Forest Park' AM 85 pts awarded to Deno Kandis at the Eastern Iowa Orchid Show, 10/22/22
20222607 Paph. Petula's Wood 'Forest Park' HCC 78 pts awarded to Deno Kandis at the Eastern Iowa Orchid Show, 10/22/22
20222602 Vanda Jairak Pink 'Nancy's Delight' AM 83 pts awarded to Jon Lorence at the Eastern Iowa Orchid Show, 10/22/22
20222592-3 Eastern Iowa Orchid Society Display 'Autumn Glory' Show Trophy,Silver Cert. 86pt received at the Wisconsin Orchid Show, Milwaukee Wi 9/17/22
20222597 Vanda Fuchs Ruby 'Forest Part' AM 80 pts awarded to Deno Kandis at the Wisconsin Orchid Show in Milwaukee, WI 9/17/22
20222594 Ctsm. Fong Cing 'Kat' AM 82 pts awarded to Bruce Byorum at the Wisconsin Orchid Show, Milwaukee, WI 9/17/22
20222572 Phal. Lianher Jellyfish 'LH 1042-10, Iowa' AM 81 pts awarded to Robert Bannister at Chicago Monthly Judging 5/14/22
20222571 Phal. King Car Dalmatian 'Dusty's Clown KC80479' JC (Judges Commendation for unusual color and semmitry) awarded to Nile and Lois Dusdieker at Chicago Monthly Judging 5/14/22
20222562 Rhyncattlanthe Kaboom 'Memoria Ebony Metcalf Small' HCC 76 pts. awarded to Jeff Metcalf at the Wisconsin Orchid Society Show in Racine, WI on March 5 2022
20222554 Phal. OX Honey 'OX1370-Iowa' AM 82 pts awarded to Robert Bannister of Iowa Orchids at the Chicago Judging/ Illinois Orchid Show Feb. 12, 2022
20212632 Phal. Lianher Happy Star 'Dusty's Sunny LH194-61' HCC 79pts awarded to Nile and Lois Dusdieker, 12/11/21
20212619 Ctsm Karen Armstrong 'Kat' AM 84 pts awarded to Bruce Byorum at the Eastern Iowa Orchid Show, 10/23/21
20212602 Phragmipedium QF Pohu 'Forest Park' (syn. Quintals Warwick) AM/AOS 82 pts awarded to Deno Kandis at Chicago monthly judging 8/14/21
20212599 Elleanthus blatteus 'Dusty's Pink Tuft' CBR awarded to Nile and lois Dusdieker at Chicago monthly judging 8/14/21
20212597 Phal. Lainher Red Daimond 'LH 1051-4 Iowa' AM (83 pts) Awarded to Robert Bannister of Iowa Orchids at Central Iowa Speaker's Day 7/24/21
20212584 Phal. Lioulin Diana Lip 'Iowa Too' HCC (78 pts) Awarded to Robert Bannister of Iowa Orchids at Chicago monthly judging 5/8/21
20212580 Phal. I-Hsin Yellow Leopard 'Iowa' AM (83 pts) Awarded to Robert Bannister of Iowa Orchids at Chicago monthly judging 5/8/21
20212579 Cyp. Gisela 'Island View' CCE 92 pts awarded to Andy Coghill-Behrends at Chicago monthly judging 5/8/21
20212578 Encyclia seidelii 'Dusty's Serene' CBR/AOS awarded to Nile and Lois Dusdieker at Chicago Monthly Judging 5/8/21
20212557 Pterostylis concinna 'Dusty's Pea-Wee' CBR/AOS awarded to Nile and Lois Dusdieker at Chicago Monthly Judging 2/13/21
20202572 Phragmipedium QF Halia 'Cheri' HCC | AOS (78 points) awarded to Dave Wujek at the Batavia Orchid Show Wheaton, Illinois, 2/15/20
20202567 Paphiopedilum Deno's Success 'Forest Park' AM | AOS (86 points) awarded to Deno Kandis at Orchid Quest in Madison, WI 2/1/20
20202550 Clowesetum Amazing Grace 'Dusty's Lemonade' AM | AOS (82 pts) awarded to Nile and Lois Dusdieker at Chicago Monthly Judging, 1/11/20
20191645 Phrag. Peruflora's Spirit 'Dusty's Sweetheart' HCC/AOS 77pts awarded to Nile and Lois Dusdieker at the EIOS Show 10/26/19
20191647-8 Eastern Iowa Orchid Society Display ' Orchids Are A Scream 2' ST, SC/AOS 86 pts awarded to EIOS Club for outstanding exhibit 10/26/19
20191631 Phal. Shan-Chieh Beauty 'YPM6133 Iowa' AM/AOS 80 pts awarded to Robert Bannister at the Wisconsin Orchid Show 9/14/19
20191627.28 EIOS Show Trophy & Silver Certificate 85 pts 'Fall in Love with Eastern Iowa Orchids' Awarded to EIOS for best exhibit in show 9/14/19
20191606 Phal. Lioulin Diana Lip 'Iowa Orchids 2153' HCC/AOS 77 pts awarded to Robert Bannister at Chicago Monthly judging 4/13/19
20191599 Phalaenopsis Lioulin Diana Lip 'Iowa' AM | AOS 81 pts a different clone awarded to Robert Bannister at the Illowa Show 3/16/19
20191598 Paphiopedilum Macabre Magical Moon 'Kathy' HCC/AOS (76 pts) awarded to Bruce Byorum at the Illowa Show 03-16-2019
20191595-96 Illowa Orchid Society Exhibit 'Spring Flair' ST-SC/AOS (86 pts) awarded for the best exhibit in the show. Several members also members of EIOS, 03-16-2019
20191562 Paphiopedilum Saiun 'Forest Park' AM/AOS (82 pts) awarded to Deno Kandis at the Winter Carnival Show in St Paul 01-12-2019
20182151 'Orchids are a Scream" Show Trophy awarded to EIOS at Eastern Iowa Orchid Show Oct. 27, 2018
20182133 Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi f. borneensis 'Iowa' AM | AOS (87 points) awarded to Robert Bannister at the Wisconsin Orchid Show, Sep. 15, 2018
20182138 Liparis rhombea 'Dusty's Cutie' CBR | AOS awarded to Nile and Lois Dusdieker at the Illinois Fall Orchid Show Oct. 13, 2018
20182121 Phal. Fuller's 3545 'Iowa FL89195' AM /AOS awarded to Robert Bannister at the Wisconsin Orchid Show Sept. 15, 2018
20182101 Paph. Pedro's Moon 'Timberlane' HCCAOS 77 pts. awarded to Marcia Whitmore at the Illowa Orchid Show, March 24, 2018
20182095 Paphiopedilum Hsinying Alien 'Cheri' HCC | AOS (78 points) awarded to Dave Wujek at the Illowa Orchid Show, March 24, 2018
20182100 Phalaenopsis Cinnamon 'Black Coffee OTO 049' HCC | AOS (78 points awarded to Robert Bannister at the Illowa Orchid Show March, 24, 2018.
20182099 Paphiopedilum Liberty Taiwan 'Timberlane' AM | AOS (84 points) awarded to Marcia Whitmore at he Illowa Orchid Show, March 24, 2018
20182098 Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum 'Cheri' AM | AOS (86 points) awarded to Dave Wujek at the Illowa Orchid Show, March 24, 2018
20182097 Paphiopedilum Hampshire Red Gem 'Forest Park' HCC | AOS (78 points) awarded to Deno Kandis at the Illowa Orchid Show, March 24,2018
20182058-59 'Hawkeye Snowman' AOS Show Trophy and Silver Certificate (85 points) awarded to EIOS at the Minnesota Winter Carnival Show Jan. 27, 2018
20182064 Phalaenopsis Lioulin Freckles 'Iowa' AM | AOS (82 points) awarded to Robert Bannister at the Minnesota Winter Carnival Show, Jan. 27,2018
Eastern Iowa Orchid Society
Eastern Iowa Orchid Society 1968 elm ridge rd ne north liberty, IA 52317 us