Jeff Metcalf is a member of our society and his massive Cymbidium One Tree Hill 'Solstice Gold' received an AOS CCE, Cultural Certificate of Excellent at the Orchid Growers Guild Show in Madison Wisconsin. GREAT GROWING!
ORCHIDS ARE A SCREAM 2025 WILL BE 10/31, 11/1-2/2025 at the Elks Hall 801, 33rd Ave Cedar Rapids Mark your calendar!
Our past orchid show Oct 19-20, 2024 was a great success. Pictured here is our EIOS display which received the Show Trophy and a prestigious Silver Certificate from the AOS judges and was deemed the 'People's Choice' exhibit by attendees. More information on our 2024 and other past shows on the Orchid Show Page links.
The Eastern Iowa Orchid Society (EIOS), formerly the Iowa City Orchid Society, is as our logo states “A small group of people with a big love of growing orchids”. Members come from all around eastern Iowa. We meet at the Shueyville Church, Shueyville, Iowa.
The church is located 1 mile EAST of Exit 10 (Swisher-Shueyville) off interstate 380. Our meetings begin with a social time at 6:30 pm; followed by the official meeting and an educational program at 7:00 pm. Meetings are free and open to anyone interested in orchids! Our club displays orchids at regional orchid shows and participates in American Orchid Society orchid judging. Meetings include educational programs on beginning orchid growing, discussion about various types of orchids, and orchid conservation. Check out our brief video!
Our newsletters highlight activities of the society. They contain photos of member's orchids, educational material, and summary of meeting activities. Newsletters will now be published only quarterly.
Our next meeting will be March 6th, 2025 at the Shueyville Church, 6:30 social and 7:pm program. We welcome several new members and any new guests to attend. The program will be an a hands on program about Orchid Pests and Diseases. Members can bring suspicious plants for diagnosis. April, May meetings see the Calendar for details.
This is Orchid Show Season and we welcome club members' participation! Racine Show and Batavia coming up in March.
Eastern Iowa Orchid Society
Eastern Iowa Orchid Society 1968 elm ridge rd ne north liberty, IA 52317 us